Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Rolling the Dice: Mushroom and Spinach Stuffed Pork Loin

Some good friends are getting ready to head north for the summer (that’s the problem with living in Florida: no one else lives here year-round), so we decided to get together for one last dinner party before they head to the Arctic Circle (OK, they’re summering in New Hampshire, but that’s close enough for me). Even though we were not hosting the evening, somehow I ended up preparing dinner - again.

I didn’t want to do BBQ and burgers, and I also didn’t want to do a formal, sit-down affair. Comfortable but nice is what I was going for. I’ve done too much chicken, seafood, and pasta recently, so I was grasping for something different to make. That’s when I decided to play The Game. READ MORE

Mushroom and Spinach Stuffed Pork Loin


  1. considering I'm one of the "friends" leaving for NH (where it's really nice in the summer even though occasionally it can be hotter than FL...if only for a day or two and then it's back to that crisp, dry mountain air...sorry!), and I got to eat this fabulous meal, I scored it a 9.7. Scott you are just too hard on yourself, picky, picky!

  2. yummy :)
    hey, i've added you on my blog:
